Welcome to my profile!

João Gabriel de Souza Pinto

Machine Learning Engineer Data Scientist

About me
About me

Who is João Gabriel

Profile Picture

Hi! My name is João Gabriel de Souza Pinto, and I'm currently working in Data Science and ML. The area I'm most passionate about is developing a good flow of MLops and performing deploys, which I have been delving deeper into since last year. My plan is to keep studying to become a better professional in this job that I love. In addition, I’m also interested in learning more about natural language processing and computer vision.
Feel free to check about me and my projects!


Results-driven professional,with experience in meeting high demands and achieving great results in projects... Extremely communicative

  • Name: João Gabriel de Souza Pinto
  • Birthday: November 20, 2000
  • Occupation: Machine Learning Engineer, Data scientist


These are my skill levels with the most popular technologies on the market today:


My Credentials

These are the main experience gain points and titles I've earned during my journey to date...



Academic Background


Check out some of my projects

Now that you know a little about me, I would like to present some of the projects I have worked on. Please feel free to analyze them, and if you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to chat about any of them, don't hesitate to contact me!

Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings


What can I do for you?

These are some jobs where I can use my skills to generate efficient and effective solutions to problems you may face.
